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Sea Thieves

Avast ye and welcome to the Sea Thieves website, we are a group of likeminded individuals who get together under the command of Captain Jack Vincent of the Avenger and travel the U.K. throughout the year to recreate the golden age of piracy in the 18th century at public events, displays, shows and parties… oh the parties!

Our intention is to be educational but at the same time provide as much fun and entertainment as possible for all the family and anyone who attends the shows. We love to dress up in pirate costumes, arm ourselves with swords & pistols and enact skirmishes, but we don’t just do sword fighting, what we really love to do is interact with the audience, we tell tall tales, we womanize, we tease and play but be careful at the fun events for we may very well press gang you into service on board our ship the Avenger or even sell you in a public slave auction!

Do we enjoy our work? You bet we do!  Who wouldn’t enjoy traveling the country & living their childhood dreams of dressing up as the scum of the earth like Pirates, Smugglers, Highwaymen and Whores! And re-living all those Hollywood movies you saw as a child (or adult) well, that’s what we do and we love every minute of it!

Between us we have many years experience of acting for film, stage and television; fight choreography; historical research and entertaining the public with shows and demonstrations of historical life...


Amongst our ranks we have our Captain, Tony Rotherham who not only acts as captain of the Sea Thieves, he has also portrayed Robin Hood for the City of Nottingham for a good number of years (That's right, a real English speaking Robin Hood! no American Accents here), he also does re-enactment work as a highwayman too, plus he and has appeared in many independent films and has appeared on local TV many times publicising the legend of Robin Hood (website coming soon).


Then there is Jo Marriott (Morgan Addams to the Sea Thieves) who is the official Maid Marion for Nottingham, she travels around the world to conventions making appearances as Xena and Lara Croft and she has appeared in various independent films on both sides of the Atlantic plus there is also her stage & TV work which has included appearing in an episode of the Doctor Who spin off, Torchwood (check out her website).


We are also very lucky to have Richard Rutherford Moore as an associate of the Sea Thieves, Richard has a long history with  re-enactment, he has worked on many TV & film productions throughout the world for a good number of years not only as an actor but also as a historical advisor, he has been the military & technical adviser and armourer for every series of the TV program Sharpe with the actor Sean Bean. Richard also sailed with Horatio Hornblower  in 1998 on the first television series. He travels around the world giving battlefield tours and gives regular lectures on the life of a pirate, plus he is a highly respected published author and historian who’s latest book to be published in Summer 2007 is called The Pirate Round explaining Early 18th Century Maritime Navigation



We are very privileged to have so many talented people in our crew! And that’s not forgetting the rest of our crew who have also done various film work for independent films etc… and our Bosun, Darren Mitchell who also spent a period of time as the official Robin Hood of Nottingham too.

We are available to provide many services including school lectures, combat displays, historical advisory services, living history displays, film & TV work and so much more! If you’re looking to put on an event that requires some kind of pirate or highwayman theme, and whether you want something historically correct or in the style of Hollywood like Pirates of the Caribbean, then we can help you, believe us, you won’t regret it!

So welcome, come inside and wander around our ever expanding site, meet the crew and learn a little more about us, and read about the life of a pirate while you are here.


The Sea Thieves also welcome enquiries from anyone wishing to join the crew and to sign articles!

 Join the Crew

 The Sea Thieves logo is © Copyright of Tony Rotherham of the Sea Thieves Pirate Association. Do not use without strict permission
Modified Sea Thieves logo, modified 2007 by J. Webster and
© Copyright of the Sea Thieves Pirate Association.
Many Historical facts and figures kindly supplied by &
© Copyright of Richard Rutherford Moore
Website design and all graphics
© Copyright of J. Webster
All Photos within this site are
© Copyright of the individual photographers & the Sea Thieves Pirate Association

Visitor Number Since March 2007

 The Sea Thieves Jolly Roger History