Ever wanted to find out more about pirates? ever wanted to know what it was really like for those men who took to a life of piracy? Well you've come to the right place!

Click on the links below to find out about the men & women, the clothes, the lifestyle, the weapons and the ships, plus so much more.

Pirate Life (1690-1724) - An introduction to the Golden age of Piracy

(The above is presented in three parts)

Pirate Crew - Descriptions of crew titles with subsections on Captain, Bosun, Quartermaster, Gunner & Surgeon

Clothes/Costumes - A two part section on the clothes pirates wore and the basics of how to dress like a pirate

Weaponry - A description of weapons to be found used by a pirate crew

Navigation - A brief history and explanation of the art of navigation

Diet - A three part section describing the pirates diet of food, drink and tobacco

Articles - Section within the Quartermaster section explaining the Articles pirates had to sign

Flags - A brief rundown of the known history of the pirate flag and it's use

Pirate Hunting - The end of the Golden age of piracy

The Sea Chest - A description of the sea chest and how to make one

A Look Inside Avenger - Ship Description & detail (COMING SOON)


~ ~ ~  (More Sections Coming Soon)  ~ ~ ~ 

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