The Pirate Round: Early 18th Century Maritime Navigation
'How it was done and How to do it yourself'

By Richard Rutherford Moore

A new book The Pirate Round : Early 18th Century Maritime Navigation : How it was Done and How to Do it Yourself - is written by associate of the Sea Thieves Pirate Association & ukpiratebrotherhood member Richard Rutherford-Moore, a long-term re-enactor and historical interpreter - and will be published in the Late Summer 2007 by Heritage Books of Westminster, Maryland USA. The book contains easy-to-understand explanations, diagrams and exclusive photographs enabling any reader to grasp the navigational techniques of the period 1690-1730 in addition to applying basic navigational exercises and several anecdotes making the book an excellent sea-faring yarn to be read by any historical mariner or pirate.  The presentation methods described below are detailed in the book with a special section on ‘Recreating the Ships’ Artist’. Richard is currently negotiating with the local Events Team about presenting an 18th Century Maritime Navigation display aboard a full-sized free-floating replica of Captain James Cook’s ship, HM Bark Endeavour for local schools and a screenplay on the same subject for The History Channel USA.

The author explains the use and application of a circa 1720 Davys Quadrant
during a recent display at a historic 18th Century Dock in England.


Also by the same author:

The World of William Spry, Esquire



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