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[Sea Thieves Members] [Retailers & Suppliers] [Pirate Sites] [Artists] [Other Sites]

Sea Thieves Members

Tony Rotherham - The Sea Thieves captains own personal website (Coming Soon and created by the same people who have done Jo's website below)

Jo Marriott - Crew member,  Jo Marriott also has her own personal website which has been recently revamped and well worth a visit

David Underhill-Stocks - Crew member, David Underhill-Stocks has his own homepage


Retailers & Suppliers

Armour Class - High quality sword manufacturer based in Scotland, the Sea Thieves captain and many of the crew swear by blades from Armour Class

Interknife - High Quality U.K manufacturer of Athames, Bolines, Knives, Daggers, Archery Accessories and Jewellery, also cater for those with a Pagan taste

Paul Meekins - U.K supplier of military & history books, also stocks period costume patterns from the 'Reconstructing History' range, very fast and friendly service, recommended. 


Pirate Websites

No Quarter Given - Long running bi-monthly magazine, edited, written and sold by pirates for pirates

Pirates Magazine - American quarterly glossy magazine, has some interesting articles in it. Being an American magazine it is obviously biased towards that market with it's glamourous hollywood open shirted pirates but get beyond that and it's a worthy read.


D0n Maitz - Pirate and fantasy artist, arkward site to navigate but great art


Other Sites of Interest

Cottage Studios - Web design & hosting company (they created & host Jo Marriots site & are working on Tonys' so they are good!)

The Sorcerers Library - Website for collectors of fantasy figures, run and designed by  John, the designer of our site

Decadence - Gothic and Medieval architecture photography, also run and designed by  John, the designer of our site (an update is promised)



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