If you want to view photos of recemt events and skirmishes then click on the pictures below

Endeavour - Stockton - May 2007

Morwellham Quay - May 2007

To view other events from  previous years click the picture below

Copyright © of the various photos within the gallery belong to different people as listed below
no other reproduction of any photos allowed without permission

Early Photoshoots - © David Underhill-Stocks & Emma Stapleton & Tony Rotherham
Hartlepool Historic Quay - 2002 -
© David Underhill-Stocks/Mark Dakin ?
Hartlepool Historic Quay - April 2003 -
© Emma Stapleton & David Underhill-Stocks
Hartlepool Historic Quay - August 2003 -
© Emma Stapleton
Hartlepool Historic Quay - October 2003 -
© Emma Stapleton & David Underhill-Stocks
Hartlepool Historic Quay - April 2003 - © Emma Stapleton & David Underhill-Stocks
Hartlepool Historic Quay - April 2004 - © Emma Stapleton & David Underhill-Stocks
Hartlepool Historic Quay - July 2004 -
© Emma Stapleton
Hartlepool Historic Quay - October 2004 -
© Emma Stapleton
Endeavour - July 2005 -
Hartlepool Historic Quay - October 2005 -
© John Webster
Amble - July 2006 -
Hartlepool Historic Quay - October 2006 -
© John Webster
Nottingham Royal Concert Hall - January 2007 -
© John Webster


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