A reference website for fantasy figure collectors

Last Updated - September 17th 2017 - (Click for Info)

Please Note: This is a reference site for collectors, not a sales site, I am not a shop, nor can I provide valuations of pieces or collections
The only thing you can order via the site is the TSL exclusive Dragon sculpted by Rob Simpson (by clicking on the dragon)

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(Online since the 25th of September 2001 and still growing)

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I am proud to be friends with, and a supporter of The Dragons Touch website, please visit them.


All photo's and animation's are the © Copyright of John Webster 2001 to 2014 - if you want to use any of my pictures please contact me
Also please note the instruction if searching by Google image search "The images identified by the Google Image Search service may be protected by copyrights. Although you can locate and access the images through our service, we cannot grant you any rights to use them for any purpose other than viewing them on the web. Accordingly, if you would like to use any images you have found through our service, we advise you to contact the site owner to obtain the requisite permissions." so saying you found the images on Google is not a get out clause!!